Monday, June 29, 2015

GetROProperty and SetTOProperty

-          Objects are of two types:

1.       Test Objects

2.       Rum time objects

Note: RO in getROProperty is Runtime Object.
GetROProperty and SetTOProperty -- is to get all the property values of a object. Like the properties that you see in the Object Repository.

 GetROProperty and SetTOProperty --- to get and set properties of the objects during run time.

Best example to describe about this two methods is while using Calculator.


 Browser(“<name>”).Page(“<name>”).WebButton(“<name>”).GetROProperty(“<property name>”) – will return property value of the webutton

Browser(“<name>”).Page(“<name>”).WebButton(“<name>”).SetROProperty(“<Property name”>,”2”) --- will set one of the property value of the button to 2.


-           Write a script to evaluate following expression using calculator:
<Not solved>


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