Friday, July 24, 2015



1.      Go to the website
2.      Click on Registration link, and register the user
3.      Click on the Links on Interactions section:
o   Draggable – Go to Draggable + Sortable  - Move the item 1 under Item5 using mouse
o   Droppable – Go to Shopping cart demo – Select Lolcat Shirt from T-shirts drop in Shopping Cart. Dropped item should be seen in the Shopping cart.
o   Resizable – Go to Max/Min size – reduce the size of the window
o   Selectable – Go Serialize – select the items and selected items should be listed on the top
o   Sortable – Go to Portlets – click on minimize buttons on Feeds
4.      Click on Links in Widget section:
o   Accordian – Fill Space – Select Section 3
o   Autocomplete – go to Categories – click search field, enter ‘a’ and from the auto populate select ‘Antal’.
o   Datepicker – select field Date and select date from the pop up or calendar
o   Menu – click on Menu with Sub Menu – select News and then Sub Menu Item 2
o   Slider – In the Range slider, slide the slider so that bed room count displays 4
o   Tabs – Click on Tab2
o   Tooltip – Go to custom animation demo – move mouse over on ‘hide’, to see the tool tip ‘explode on hide’ is displayed
5.      Click on Frames and windows
o   Open New Window – click on New Browser Tab – to make sure a new window is displayed
o   Open Separate New window – click on Open new Separate window – to make sure a new tab is displayed
o   Frameset – click on Open Frameset Window -  make sure two frames are displayed
6.      Miscellaneous
o   Place cursor on Tools icon, the color of the icon should get changed(it gets blurred)
o   Check Tools icon is displayed. Image should be validated

7.      Do the above in chrome and IE

Scenarios from Internet:

Use QTP tool to automate below Test Scenarios?(Automate below test cases using QTP tool and save at your machine for evaluation)

  1.         Automate using QTP “login successful” functionality for Flight reservation desktop                   application
  2.        Automate validating “login unsuccessful” functionality for Flight reservation desktop                application using QTP tool?
  3. Using QTP automate validating “login successfully functionality” for three correct users names and passwords for Flight Reservation desktop application? Hint: You have to use QTP parameterization feature.
  4. Automate flight search functionality for Flight reservation desktop application? Hint: “Open an existing Flight reservation with particular order number”
  5. Automate booking new flight functionality for Flight reservation desktop application? Hint: “Insert new reservation and add checkpoint to check reservation inserted or not”
  6. Describe steps for automating “update existing reservation and check reservation updated or not?” functionality for Flight reservation system. Use QTP automation testing tool and automate this flow?
  7. Automate “gmail login successful” test case using QTP Testing Tool?
  8. Automate gmail login unsuccessful for all possible incorrect usernames and password scenarios” using QTP tool? Hint: You have to create one test case for each incorrect login and password scenario.
  9. Automate end to end flow for using QTP tool? Hint: End to end means login, booking flight, paying and exiting etc.
  10. Using QTP batch feature run gmail login successful and all login unsuccessful test cases in batch mode? Hint: Watch video and try to do this test case.
  11. Write a code that will capture Fly from and fly To drop down to a user defined sheet and later Export the run time sheet to user defined Drive..

Sceanarios from diifferent source:

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